Once upon a time, if you asked me what little animal I am, I would say-a duck, or a mysterious legal term, you would never really know its meaning. However, it turns out that the stud is actually the little plastic or metal fragment on the end of the shoelace.
This means that hundreds of years ago, someone was very annoyed by the worn ends of shoelaces, which changed the industry forever. This still shocks me, even if this is not the strangest fact on this list-this is what you should know. over there!
#1: Shoelaces prove your wealth
One of my favorite shoelaces facts happened in the Elizabethan era, when the shoes and shoelaces you wore told others how wealthy you were. The strict class distinction means that the rich wear buckled leather shoes with ribbon laces, while the workers wear raw leather laces in their shoes.
#2: Shoelaces used to be a form of communication
Well, technically, they are knotted ropes used by the Incas to transmit information between cities, but we like to think of them as shoe laces. After all, isn’t the knotted rope laces? This was a good way to communicate at the time because the materials could be reused and resent.
#3: Shoelaces are almost always unnecessarily long
Indeed, shoelaces are much longer than before. Experts say this is because manufacturers adapt the standard length of shoelaces to each shoe they produce. These shoelaces are in fact a standard length case, reducing costs, which means you will always have more.
#4: U-shaped straps are the first strapless straps based on modular elasticity
In the history of shoelaces without tie, U-Lace is the first brand to manufacture and manufacture patented elastic tieless shoelaces. Once launched, there will be many imitators, but none of them can retain the classic style of our shoelaces. We also introduced the idea of customizing shoelace designs on sneakers, which is still popular in street culture and high fashion.